Every update is another step to make your Genome experience smooth and effective. We are starting a series of release announcements, so you can track what was added and fixed in each new version of Genome!
In April release we’ve added transactional reports in both business and personal wallets so you can easily check transaction history from all of your accounts in one place. To make it customizable to your needs we’ve added filters, lots of filters. And finally, this transaction report can be easily uploaded or forwarded to your bookkeeper or a business partner.

We also improved validation rules for Personal and Business KYC Procedures as well as payment pages. We unified the rules for mobile and web versions. What does this mean for you as a user? This is the type of improvement that you will hardly notice what actually means that it’s working perfectly. The team improved the system imperfections that made KYC procedures bumpy for some users previously. Here are some parameters that were broadened and improved, just to name a few:
URL format (more business owners can now easily enter their business website)
Company Name field (no more 50 symbols limitation)
ZIP code (dash or no dash, both formats are supported)
Payment page forms (improved company name format).
It’s small, sometimes even invisible, improvements that matter. That’s why we also updated the error messages to make sure they are accurate and helpful for users.
Feel free to comment and offer your improvement ideas or report bugs, so we could take care of it right away!
Stay tuned,
Genome team