Genome’s month in review: September 2022

Genome’s month in review: September 2022

It’s Autumn already – we get fewer sunny and warm days. But here, at Genome, we continue working on our services no matter the weather outside! Let’s see what articles and updates we have for you this time! 

Online wallets all the way!

Digital wallets gain popularity day by day, with more options arising. No wonder, as it is a great way of paying for things and sending or receiving funds.

Thus, we dedicated two whole articles to the topic. The first is about multi-currency online wallets and why you would want to use one. 

And in the second article, we elaborated on the different types of e-wallets and advised on which wallets are currently the best to use. Definitely worth checking out! 

Learn more about SWIFT transfers

We are sure that you are familiar with how SWIFT payments are made and previously sent money this way. Still, you can face some problems and have questions during the process.

For instance, you can wonder why some transfers take longer to complete or why a certain payment seems to be lost in the system. This article covered some of the main issues that can arise when using SWIFT to send and receive funds. 

Know your account limits

We recently started doing more in-depth tutorials on some of the services we provide to answer common questions from our clients.

And this month, Genome’s team dedicated an article to the transfer limits we establish for our personal and business account users. In it, we explain why the limits are there, how they are calculated and reset, and how you can change and manage said limits. 

Introducing sole proprietor accounts for Ukrainians

Earlier this year, Genome opened our platform to Ukrainians and canceled some of the fees to make it easier for them to start accounts in euros, US dollars, and British pounds if they need to during these difficult times. 

Since then, we have expanded the features we offer to Ukrainian citizens, and they can now start sole proprietor accounts within Genome. You can receive income, make transfers, and link cards to make payments using these. Find more information on opening and using the sole proprietor account here

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