Business services
Article updated on 24.05.2024 Recent years have shown that moving your business online, at least partially, benefits your company. There are lower maintenance fees, fewer employees to locate in office spaces, and more customers you can reach online. And, as more and more ecommerce businesses appear, it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest industry trends to keep your relevance to clients. Learn the best techniques that will help you increase ecommerce sales. Understanding ecommerce fundamentals Ecommerce is a type of business that involves selling goods and services online. It encompasses various business models, from retail and
Money and you
2020 – what an impactful year, and challenging, no doubt. Lots of people and businesses had to essentially change the way they operate and go through life. But all the hardships pushed the transformation within many industries – banking and e-commerce included. And as both topics are close to Genome’s heart, we’ve decided to sum up how the events of 2020 influenced these two spheres. The snowball effect of non-digitalization In 2008, the global financial crisis shacked not only the financial industry but people’s trust and perception of a traditional banks’ model. This event also pushed some financial professionals to dive into